Do you have the KLT Factor?

Know – Like – Trust’ – we hear it a lot in business but are we really working on it every day and how well are we doing?


KLT and being human

Despite the plethora of digital marketing methods aimed at influencing emotions and purchasing behaviour, the need for human interaction, connectivity and authenticity is an absolute pre-requisite. Basic human instinct is ensuring that even well-orchestrated digital spin will no longer suffice. As a champion of face-to-face networking and connecting people, I find the nuances of human behaviour fascinating. Translating this into an equal measure of KLT in the digital world can be challenging though across multiple media, with numerous connections and without the benefit of visual contact and intuition….and an 8 day week in which to be regularly visible and engaged. On or offline, there’s only so many relationships you can manage at one time after all and those people and relationships are continually evolving.

KLT and social media

Let’s take Linkedin for instance, what does KLT look like here? We meet people or view their profiles, we like what we see and we decide to connect. It’s a media that we trust after all and feel we should be present on because it’s the “professional” social media channel. But when do we pass from ‘know to like’ and ‘like to trust’? Linkedin is about networking (and yes, marketing and selling too when done correctly) but it is vastly under-utilised by many (and I include myself in this category too).

I use Linkedin on a daily basis but, like many, not as much or as well as I could. Of course I want to promote my services. I want to make connections and be known for putting on great events and being a connector of people. Beyond knowing me though, I want folk to like my business culture and values and what I deliver. Beyond liking me, I want them to trust me enough to share my content, events and vouch for what I offer. The ‘trust’ element of K-L-T rightly takes time but it’s an investment worth making as ultimately I want my contacts to feel that my service has been worthwhile so they may tell others about me so that more people could get to know, like and trust what I do. The cycle is that simple when we remember the human side.

How long does the KLT factor take to achieve?

I get asked sometimes how long it should take to win business from networking. Quote “I’ve attended three events but not won new clients yet”. I wish the answer was a simple one and I had it. There are obviously plenty of strategies on sales funnels, pipeline conversion and equations calculating the average number of touch points before a purchase is made. Purchasing behaviour is clearly influenced by the features and pricing of the product or service but above all by human emotion. The KLT factor sits at the core of this.
How long the KLT full rotation may take and how we network, market and sell is unique
to each business.


How do you get the KLT factor?

There’s all the usual marketing activity you can do of course but this is outbound promotion of course – whether push or pull marketing, it’s still intended at transmitting messages that you hope will resonate with your audience. We humanise it by adding plenty of personal content, often stepping out of our comfort zones, bearing our souls and opening ourselves up for both potential positive as well as negative comment. But, there’s an easier way, which brings me full circle to the start of my article. You let other people do the talking to promote your KLT factor.

The power of KLT testimonials

Seeking feedback, whether positive or
constructive, is integral to business improvement but let’s face it, getting
lovely review’s is heart-warming as it confirms what you’re doing right. I was humbled
by the content of a testimonial video I commissioned in 2017 for Colony
Networking. I provided no brief and no questions and left the experts at Movement
& Light Films decide how best to interview event attendees. The video here
surpassed anything I could say or do myself to promote the KLT factor of Colony
and myself as its owner.

Enjoy this short clip.

By Kirsty James, Owner, Kirsty James Consulting


Kirsty James is a networking, relationship-marketing and connections expert with a track record in supporting people to ‘Connect with Purpose’. Kirsty specialises in effective business communication and relationship-marketing using the power of networking to enable personal and business growth and community engagement. Offering networking skills training, workshop facilitation, event hosting and speaking, and marketing project management.

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